Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Walking across a parking lot, almost to the door. Suddenly, an angry, vicious rottweiler is charging. It's do or die time. In a swift and Ninja like move, pinning it to the ground, a powerful forearm to it's massive neck. Pushing with all possible might, knowning that if unsuccessful, the beast will surely take my life. Push, Push, don't let up! He struggles, weakening, weaker yet, the large animal goes limp. It's life force jumps into my lungs from his mouth to mine, it spreads like warm liquid throughout my being.

Dreams are windows into the subconscious. Feeling out of control...the dream has you driving towards a group of children unable to step on the brake.

The rottie dream happened almost 20yrs ago. That single dream empowered me. I was living in Ohio, a single mom, struggling. The kids were getting old enough for me to work. I was able to leave them alone long enough to make some money and get us on our feet a bit. But that was frustrating. Having to pick up my small ones on snow covered nights in that old station wagon, I can remember them asleep in the back,and me driving with tears streaming down my face. I knew I had to make a better life for us. Get us out of that small town and its small minded people. Now that the kids are out on their own, I think back to those small town days, and how my dreams guided me home.

Dreams come from many place, where that is, is for each of us to decide.

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